
Welcome to North Pinellas-Trinity Macaroni Kid

Delivering you the scoop of all local, family fun in your town!

September 12, 2014

I know that Fall doesn't officially start until the end of September... the 23rd, to be exact. But, even so, after the Labor Day weekend has passed and the schools are hosting Open House events, i can't help but feel as though it's already here! Fall is becoming my favorite season as I grow older... I love the cooler air, the sound of the leaves on the ground, the smell of apple cinnamon and pumpkin spice filling the stores! It's a wonder time to just get outside and explore our North Pinellas-Trinity communities! Many local farms will open their gates for pumpkin picking, hayrides, and lots of Fall festivities surrounding our area!

North Pinellas-Trinity MK will be compiling a listing on all upcoming Fall activities, along with Halloween fun! So, start planning! We have already begun to update our calendar, so check back regularly, as the 
CALENDAR fills up with some great events!! 

Don't forget to find us on Facebook... "Like" North Pinellas-Trinity on Facebook for quick in-between updates, information, and giveaways!! 

Spread the love, share the Macaroni love with your friends & family too by telling them about our Macaroni Kid North Pinellas-Trinity!!!

And, remember.. if you know of any upcoming family fun events, let us know so we may share with our Macaroni community!! You can submit an event HERE or simply e-mail me details!! And, of course, we welcome feedback, article ideas, advertising inquiries, or any questions you have about Macaroni Kid. Please, feel free to contact me!

And, as always, enjoy exploring the fun this September!!


Peace. Love. Macaroni.